Abstract and Full Paper Submission

Acceptance of abstract submissions for the conference has been started. 

The process is through the Microsoft CMT abstract submission system. 

Authors must have a "Microsoft CMT" account in order to upload their work to the system. For this, a new author account must be created by going to the link: http://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IOCENS2021.

After logging into the "Microsoft CMT" system with the account opened, they can upload the abstract and full text works prepared by the authors in accordance with the "Writing Rules". The authors can access to the full text writing rules from here.

The main text should be around 3500-4000 words and the references should not exceed 40.

Note: Authors who previously had a "Microsoft CMT" account should log into the system after obtaining a new password using the "Forgot Your Password" link when they are redirected to the conference page using the link above.